When you go to Vancouver, you have no choice but to visit Stanly Park. It's like you look around, and you're in Stanly Park and you didn't even realize it. It's camouflaged pretty nicely in the city and it's literally the most enormous park I think I've ever been to.
On our first real day in Vancouver, we got up kinda early, met up with a friend who so graciously drove up from Seattle to meet us, and we set out to explore Stanly Park.
When I tell you that this is one of the most gorgeous places on earth....I'm not lying. And there's every terrain you can think of. We went from woods to beach in minutes. I was so impressed.
Don't get mad, I don't have a ton of pictures from Stanly Park b/c I left my memory card at home and had to go buy one later that night. So, I have a few pics, but the others I'll steal from my extremely talented photographer friend and former classmate, Eddie. He said I could and I promised to give him cred.....most of the pictures that I'm in are courtesy of Eddie. Not only are they awesome...but he took the time to edit them before he sent them to me. Not sure when this guy sleeps but the pics are outstanding.
So first we just drove thru, stopping to see the sights. I really can't get over how amazing it was. It's BEAUTIFUL, guys. And the weather was perfect. If I ever move out of the country, you can find me in Vancouver or Spain, real talk.
I keep getting distracted by my memories of how beautiful it was. Look! There's totem poles. I don't think I've ever seen those in real life!
Stanly Park is amazing. We walked around...saw this huge swan laying on a nest, that was pretty cool.
Then we left for the suspension bridge. But we returned to the park later that day, this time we rented bikes and rode around the park...and then dern near around the entire city of Vancouver. I think exploring a place on a bike is one of the best things you can do. You pay whatever it costs for the bike rental, and then you can park it for free and you get some exercise too. That part is especially helpful for me because my legs and ankles swell when I travel so I'm a fan of anything that gets the circulation going. Of course walking is cool too, but I think a bike is an excellent mode of transportation.
Vancouver is a very outdoor friendly city. There are tons of people out walking and biking so there are different lanes for each so you're not mowing people down.
Alright so there you have it. Stanly Park is beyond words. Make sure you go there when you're in Vancouver, it's a must do. If you caught the glitch fare like we did, then its even sweeter because your flight was like $50. (*doing the tootsie roll as I type this*).
Be great, venuists! Travel. See the world.