Based in Houston, Texas, GEV is a blog by The GreenEyed Venuist. Her posts explore travel and photography through her green eyes.

Roadtrippin' for Work

Last week, I solo road tripped it to Georgetown and Austin. 

Georgetown is about 30 mins from Austin, 3 hours from Houston (less depending on how fast you drive - and you can totally drive fast b/c the speed limit on 290 is 75mph and even got up to 80mph on 130).

I'm not gonna bore you with the details of the 15 or so cases on my docket between Williamson and Travis counties. Believe me, you don't want to know. I didn't even want to know to be honest.

Georgetown is the cutest little city ever. I love small, quaint towns in Texas that make me feel like I've stepped into a time machine. Also, I'm a dork and I like old courthouses so I had to take some pics of the Williamson County Courthouse. 

Then I made my way to Austin, home of the State Capitol of Texas:

Pretty huh? 

Rewind for a sec.....the morning's sunrise wasn't so great...if you're a follower then you know how I feel about a sunrise on a road trip to court early in the morning. I was a little disappointed tho, there was too much cloud cover for me to actually see the sun come up...the colors were all muted and it made it a little boring. 

That is until it got light enough for me to see that the trees lining the highway have taken on their fall color! 

Houstonians joke that there we don't have seasons...only hot and hotter and for the most part, that is absolutely true. But I've been paying attention the last few years and we actually do experience just comes much later in the year than the more northern states. 

I usually watch this tree outside my office window. Its in the median across the street. Its been changing and now the leaves are falling off so I'm excited about that.

The trees around my neighborhood are slowly changing colors too. Not all at once but more like one at a time, like they are taking turns and putting on a show for each other - each one wants to admire the one that went before and but ultimately wants to try and outdo the others. 

I decided to have a quick lunch but instead of sitting in a restaurant by myself like a loser, I drove to the closest body of water...Lady Bird Lake and had lunch there. It was a perfect day...and there was a hike/bike trail around the lake so...I took a stroll. The water wasn't the prettiest but it was quiet and serene and made for a good moment of relaxation before going back into the lion's den...aka the courtroom. 

This tree with its orange leaves was stunning. You'll see another picture of it if you keep scrolling. 






On the other side of the bridge, there were all these white birds playing in the water. Looked like fun and I took a few pics...and a video. 


Welp...there's a peek into my little adventure in Austin. 

Tomorrow, I leave for Beijing and begin my Chinese Adventure! Be sure to check back for updates! 


10 Things I Learned While Visiting China

Hey Baby Let's Get Away, Let's Go Somewhere....Faaaaaarrrrr